Rev James Grahame (22 April 1765 – 14 September 1811) was a Scottish poet. His best-known poem, The Sabbath, combines devotional feeling with vivid description of Scottish scenery. James Grahame Memorial to Rev James Grahame, Glasgow Cathedral.
James Grahame was a Scottish poet who wrote during the Romantic era, a period marked by a surge in emotional and imaginative expression in literature.
GRAHAME, (REV.) JAMES, the author of "The Sabbath" and other poems, was born in Glasgow on the 22d of Apri1, 1765. He was the son of Mr Thomas Grahame, ...
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JAMES GRAHAME (1765-1811), Scottish poet, was born in Glasgow on the 22nd of April 1765, the son of a successful lawyer. After completing his literary ...
Poet. He was an early 19th-century Scottish poet who was known for his 1804 poem The Sabbath, which described the Scottish countryside.
James Grahame's The Sabbath (1804), 'a very pretty poem' which he recommended to James Currie and Anna Seward in letters of 25 February and 21 March 1805.
Also known as: James Grahame: primary name: primary name: Grahame, James. Details: British; Male. Other dates: 1765-1811. Biography: Scottish poet ...
26 դեկ, 2020 թ. · ​GRAHAME, JAMES (1765–1811), Scotch poet, was born in Glasgow, 22 April 1765, his father being a prominent lawyer and ardent whig.