... My Lady Smile " ) , au- thor of the winning song at the 1972 Castlebar ... ( Zsuzsa Cserhati ) , Yu- goslavia ( Zoran Milivojevic ) , Ger- man Democratic ... like Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney and 125 Treasures of Great Music ...
Other poems followed, and two years after starting to write again, she won the Cheltenham Festival poetry competition. Her first collection That Winter (Bloodaxe, 1986) was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Poetry Prize.
By exploring the cultural and political diversity of nineteenth-century Europe and at the same time pointing out connections to questions explored by conventional scholarship, the essays shed new light on common developments and problems.
Knjiga Senses and religion (Čuti in religija) odpira nova vprašanja o razmerju med percepcijo čutov in kulturo, med teološko teorijami in ljudskimi praksami.
Visceral stuff from this promising new star of dark fantasy' Michael Moorcock Justin Robertson's debut novel is a trans- dimensional trip into the mysterious knot of nature; a journey into the 'brilliant darkness' where the timeless divine ...
As the world's population is projected to reach 10 billion or more by 2100, devastating fossil fuel shortages loom in the future unless more renewable alternatives to energy are developed.