At thirty-five. On her own. But Anne Lamott makes it all fresh in her now-classic account of how she and her son and numerous friends and neighbors and some strangers survived and thrived in that all important first year.
An Amazon Best Business Book of 2018 Selected by Audible as the Best Business Book of 2018 Named “Best New Book” by People Magazine and Refinery29 Named a Most Anticipated Title of April 2018 by Bustle and Levo A Women@Forbes “Boss ...
A certified sex educator and intimacy expert shows women how to gain control of their love life and find the relationship they want in this modern guide. “Boodram’s brand of relationship advice . . . focuses on empowering single women ...
The International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability, held at the Near East University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus 19-24 February 2007, dealt with environmental threats and proposed solutions at all scales.
In this timely book, Rosemary Salomone offers a reasoned educational and legal argument supporting single-sex education as an alternative to coeducation, particularly in the case of disadvantaged minority students.
But now there’s a better option. Using tapping, also known as EFT, Jessica Ortner walks you through a process that helps you drop stress so you can drop pounds—without dieting, deprivation, or extreme exercise.