In his powerful debut, Christopher Nelson examines the progenitors and forms of violence, from Cain and Abel to twenty-first century hate crimes.
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Nelson. About the author. Christopher T. Nelson is an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Christopher Nelson is the author of Blood Aria (University of Wisconsin Press, 2021) and five chapbooks, including Blue House, winner of a Poetry Society of ...
08 նոյ, 2024 թ. · Research Interests: History and Memory; everyday life; ethnography; critical theory; storytelling, ritual and performance; Japan and Okinawa
Christopher Nelson is an anthropologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a member of the editorial collective of Cultural Anthropology ( ...
Self-published writer. Day job? Faceless government bureaucrat. There's a reason he writes escapist fantasy. Born in 1980 in that curious no-man's land ...
Չի գտնվել՝ inauthor: | Պետք է ներառի՝inauthor:
Christopher M. Nelson is a conductor, educator, composer, and arranger. His wide array of musical interests stem from his experiences as a music educator ...
18 հնվ, 2024 թ. · A poet himself, Nelson is the author of Blood Aria (University of Wisconsin Press, 2021) and four chapbooks, including Blue House, winner of ...
Christopher Nelson was born in Heber City, Utah, and studied at Dixie College and Southern Utah University. He is the author of Blood Aria and three chapbooks.
Christopher Nelson, PhD, is the Doctoral Statistics Coach and an instructor for the Leadership, Research and Foundations Ph.D. program.