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Bettie Anne Doebler. Emeritus Professor,. Arizona State University. Phone: 480-965-1806. ‌. UASB 104 TEMPE, AZ 85287. ‌ ...
Չի գտնվել՝ inauthor: | Պետք է ներառի՝inauthor:
DOEBLER, Bettie AnneDOEBLER, Bettie Anne. American. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, instructor to ...
Չի գտնվել՝ inauthor: | Պետք է ներառի՝inauthor:
Bettie Anne Doebler ... "Rooted Sorrow" is a literary and cultural study of death and dying through selected images, events, and words that interact in expressive ...
Չի գտնվել՝ inauthor: | Պետք է ներառի՝inauthor:
Review of Bettie Anne Doebler, The Quickening Seed: Death in the Sermons of John Donne, in Literature and Its Audience, I, ed. by G. K. Hunter and C. J. ...
Review of Bettie Anne Doebler, 'Rooted Sorrow': Dying in Early Modern ... In author-date style, we have a full stop, then the year, then another full ...
Buy Lost Sheep by Doebler, Bettie Anne (ISBN: 9781424198269) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
Չի գտնվել՝ inauthor: | Պետք է ներառի՝inauthor:
35 my colleague, Professor Bettie Anne Doebler of the English department. Reshaping Tudor Biography 67. 1 at Arizona State University. Elton's suggestion ...
HOW TO USE THIS INDEX. The subject index is similar to that which was employed in the published Choral Journal Index monographs.