The acclaimed Pelican Shakespeare series, now in a dazzling new series design Winner of the 2016 AIGA + Design Observer 50 Books | 50 Covers competition This edition of Twelfth Night is edited with an introduction by Jonathan Crewe and was ...
Winner of the 2016 AIGA + Design Observer 50 Books | 50 Covers competition This edition of Julius Caesar is edited by William Montgomery with an introduction by Douglas Trevor and was recently repackaged with cover art by Manuja Waldia.
The play was first published in the First Folio of 1623. The story draws heavily on the tradition of the romance, and it was influenced by tragicomedy, the courtly masque and perhaps the commedia dell'arte.
The acclaimed Pelican Shakespeare series, now in a dazzling new series design Winner of the 2016 AIGA + Design Observer 50 Books | 50 Covers competition Gold Medal Winner of the 3x3 Illustration Annual No. 14 This edition of Macbeth is ...