Dr. Gary Miron is a professor of educational leadership, research and technology at Western Michigan University, specializing in evaluation, measurement and ...
Gary Miron is professor of evaluation, measurement, and research at Western Michigan University. He has extensive experience evaluating school reforms and ...
Western Michigan University - ‪‪Cited by 4393‬‬ - ‪Education‬ - ‪policy‬ - ‪evaluation‬ - ‪international development‬
Gary Miron is Professor of Evaluation, Measurement, and Research at Western Michigan University. He has extensive experience evaluating school reforms and ...
Gary Miron has a diverse background in the field of education. He worked as a public school teacher in Michigan in the mid-1980s.
I am a professor of evaluation, measurement, and research at Western Michigan. University. Over the last 2 decades I have had extensive experience ...
Gary MIRON, Professor of Evaluation, Measurement, and Research | Cited by 1336 | of Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (WMU) | Read 125 publications ...
Gary Miron. Professor of Evaluation, Measurement & Research at WMU . Stockholm University. Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States.
Exploring the School Choice Universe: Evidence and Recommendations (Hc) (National Education Policy Center). by Dr Gary Miron.