... Nina Kov, Louise Wise, Ana Moreno, Matt Pound, Caroline O'Hara, Pete Budd, Michele Cadei, Malcolm Carter, Matt Pound, Zarrin Morgan, Nigel Morgan, Jo Adetunji and Stuart Taylor. I appreciate the support of Bristol University Press and ...
... Nina Kov and body>data>space. Working alongside the OpenEnded Group we developed the Choreographic Language Agent for WM|RD, and Becoming, a virtual evolutionary 3D-rendered dance “form” used in rehearsals by WMIRD and exhibited by the ...
... Nina came to Moscow for competi- tions . On that day the public crowded the stadium for an interesting soccer match ... kov and Tbilisi . Among them was Nina Dumbadze . On this occasion her discus hit the 53.7 - meter mark . I ...
... Nina came to Moscow for competi- tions . On that day the public crowded the stadium for an interesting soccer match ... kov and Tbilisi . Among them was Nina Dumbadze . On this occasion her discus hit the 53.7 - meter mark . I ...
... kov , it should be noted , does this work not at the behest of the army but because his heart tells him it is the right thing to do . Abramochkin also advised Nina not to expect too much , because , as we say , " any- thing can happen ...
... Nina came to Moscow for competi- tions . On that day the public crowded the stadium for an interesting soccer match ... kov and Tbilisi . Among them was Nina Dumbadze . On this occasion her discus hit the 53.7 - meter mark . I ...
... kov ) " The nightingales of Flanders . " F. Fos- ter . Words by G. H. Conkling . BD " Nightingales passion - stirred ... Nina ( " Tre giorni son che Nina " ) Pergo- lesi . e.i. BAS 2 - KF 4 - PG 3- PG 4 " Tre giorni " ( " " Tis ...